Footer - Disclosure Log

Disclosure Log

TAFE NSW's disclosure log is a record of information that TAFE NSW has released in response to an access application under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, that the agency considers may be of interest to other members of the public.1

The disclosure log sets out the date the application was decided; a description of the information released; and a statement whether any of the information is now available from the agency to other members of the public and how it can be accessed.

Not all access applications are listed in this disclosure log because the majority of applications to TAFE NSW are for personal information.

If an application is for personal information about the applicant or other individuals, or if factors particular to the applicant were a consideration in the agency’s determination of the public interest regarding disclosure of the information, an agency is not required to include that application in its disclosure log.

1 Disclosure log covers 1 January 2018 to June 2020.

Footer - Disclosure Log - Log v2

Reference Number TAFE GIPA 20-47
Date of Decision 7 September 2020
Description of Information Released Information held by TAFE NSW about the Review on the NSW Vocational Education and Training Sector and reasons to delay the Review from December 2019 to June 2020.
Availability of Information Upon request to the TAFE NSW Information Access unit: or to Information Access, PO Box 707, BROADWAY NSW 2007
Reference Number TAFE GIPA 20-40
Date of Decision 30 June 2020
Description of Information Released Consultant reports regarding TAFE NSW 2018 to 2020.
Availability of Information Upon request to the TAFE NSW Information Access unit: or to Information Access, PO Box 707, BROADWAY NSW 2007
Reference Number TAFE GIPA19-14
Date of Decision 9 May 2019
Description of Information Released Documents regarding ASQA's part-suspension of Registered Training Organisation scope of registration.
Availability of Information Upon request to the TAFE NSW Information Access unit: or to Information Access, PO Box 707, BROADWAY NSW 2007
Reference Number TAFE GIPA18-34
Date of Decision 6 December 2018
Description of Information Released TAFE NSW campuses currently being considered for divestment and stage of sale of these campuses.
Availability of Information Upon request to the TAFE NSW Information Access unit: or to Information Access, PO Box 707, BROADWAY NSW 2007