Your academic calendar can help you plan and keep track of your studies at TAFE NSW.
Below you’ll find important dates for:
If you need help with dates, our staff are always available to assist students.
You can determine if you are enrolled in a Higher Education course by checking your course code. If it starts with 'HE' or 'MHE' (e.g., HE20534V01 Bachelor of Creative Practices, or MHE20502B Wind Energy Conversion Systems), then the dates below apply to your study schedule.
Events | Semester 1 | Semester 2 | Summer School |
Applications close |
2 February | 20 July | Contact your course coordinator |
Orientation week |
3 -7 February | 21-25 July | Contact your course coordinator |
First day of semester |
10 February |
28 July | 1 December |
Administration date | 14 February | 1 August | 5 December |
Census date | 12 March | 27 August | 17 December |
Holidays | 14-27 April | 29 September - 12 October | 22 December - 4 January 2026 |
Last day of semester | 6 June | 21 November | 25 January 2026 |
Publish results | 25 June | 10 December | Contact your course coordinator |
Subject selection | 26 June | 11 December | Consult your course coordinator |
TAFE NSW courses can start at any time of the year, with flexible ways to learn. While courses don’t have to follow a semester schedule, Semester 1 and Semester 2 each run for 18 weeks, and term dates match up with these semesters.
Note that the census date for VET and short courses vary.
To find out your courses census date, you can:
Start date |
End Date | |
Term 1 | 4 February | 11 April |
Term 2 | 28 April | 20 June |
Term 3 |
21 July | 26 September |
Term 4 | 13 October | 5 December |
Holiday | Dates |
New Year's Day | 1 January 2025 |
Australia Day | 27 January 2025 |
Easter | 18 April - 21 April 2025 |
ANZAC Day | 25 April 2025 |
King's Birthday | 9 June 2025 |
Labour Day | 6 October 2025 |
Christmas Day | 25 December 2025 |
Boxing Day | 26 December 2025 |
The census date is the final deadline to confirm your enrolment in a course or subject. You need to finalise your study choices by this date, as it determines your fees and access to financial assistance.
Yes, you will be financially liable for the course fees if you do not withdraw from a course or subject by the census date.
If you are unclear about the dates that apply to your study path, please contact your teacher.
You can also speak to a student services staff member by calling 131 601.