All campuses impacted by ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred reopening next week. View important updates.

    Library services and support

    TAFE NSW library with a man seated on the background and library staff helping people who are browsing shelves and accessing resources.

    When you study at TAFE NSW, you have access to a statewide library network. Discover the latest digital and print resources on our Library Services homepage.

    This includes the Library Catalogue, Library Subject Guides and links to e-Resources.

    TAFE NSW libraries

    When you enrol at TAFE NSW, you’ll receive a TAFEcard through TAFE NSW Digital that lets you access and borrow a range of resources across the TAFE NSW library network.

    Libraries at TAFE NSW can provide you with:

    • 24/7 access to eResources, including:

      • eBooks

      • eJournals

      • eVideos

    • printed and traditional resources such as:

      • books

      • magazines

      • DVDs

    You also have access to a wide range of learning services, support and equipment, such as:

    • interlibrary loans

    • library orientation sessions

    • photocopying, printing, scanning and 3D printing (at select locations)

    • course-based library subject guides with recommended websites and resources

    • digital literacy skills workshops

    • reference services to help you find the right information

    • assistance with Wi-Fi access

    • face-to-face and online assistance, including services for students studying fully online courses

    • computers with specialised software used in TAFE NSW courses

    • laptops for enrolled students to borrow for the day

    • individual and group study facilities, as well as social spaces.

    Online catalogues

    The TAFE NSW Library Network Catalogue (TAFEcat), provides access to all library resources.

    Ask library staff for a library PIN, to:

    • view your library record and loan details

    • check the dates that your books are due to be returned

    • renew your library loans

    • see when a reserved item is ready to be collected.

    We’re here to help

    Our library staff are always here to help.

    For more assistance, connect with a TAFE NSW librarian using the live chat service available from 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

    You can also call the library at your TAFE NSW campus to speak with a local librarian.

    You can register for an online library orientation session to learn how to use library resources.