Earn while you learn with an Apprenticeship or Traineeship, mixing classroom learning with on-the-job, real-world experience as you work towards a nationally recognised qualification.
Apprenticeships can take 3-4 years to complete. They are available in trades including Building and Construction, Hairdressing, Automotive and more.
Traineeships can take 1-3 years to complete. Traineeships are available in Office Administration, Information Technology, Hospitality and more.
If you’re in Year 10 or 11 you can start a SBAT. Combining paid work and study, SBATs also count towards your HSC.
There's lots to consider when starting your Apprenticeship or Traineeship. Here are some steps to help you get prepared:
Research career opportunities and courses to find the right qualification for you.
Download the TAFE NSW career guide
Speak to an Apprenticeship Network Provider.
An Apprenticeship Connect Australia Provider (ACAP), also called an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN), can help you choose the best Apprenticeship or Traineeship for you. They can also help you find an employer and provide you with ongoing support and advice.
Once you have decided on your Apprenticeship or Traineeship, you can search for available Apprenticeships or Traineeships with employers through:
Fee-free introductory units
If you're not sure about committing to a full Apprenticeship or Traineeship, TAFE NSW offers fee-free, pre-apprenticeship and pre-traineeship courses. This is a great way to find out if a qualification will suit you. If you decide it does, your pre-apprenticeship or pre-traineeship coursework will count towards your full qualification.
Read more about pre-apprenticeships and pre-traineeships or call us on 131 601 and select the option for Apprenticeships and Traineeships to find out more.
When you're ready to start your Apprenticeship or Traineeship, your Apprenticeship Connect Australia Provider (ACAP), employer, and/or TAFE NSW will help you through the steps below. We have two intakes per year, in February and July, so your start date will depend on when you sign up with your ACAP.
If you wish to change employers during your Apprenticeship or Traineeship, your existing Training Contract will be cancelled and a new one will need to be created with your new employer. Here's what you'll need to do:
Complete the Cancellation of an Apprenticeship or Traineeship form to cancel your existing Training Contract.
Generally, your employer must agree to cancel your Training Contract.
Once your existing Training Contract has been cancelled, you'll need to sign a Training Plan Proposal and Training Contract with your new employer. You'll also need to complete another probation period and develop a Training Plan with your new employer.
For support with changing your employer, please contact your Apprenticeship Connect Australia Provider (ACAP).
You can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer to have your knowledge, skills or previously completed units of competency counted towards your qualification. This could help you get your qualification faster.
Learn more about recognition of prior learning and credit transfer.
When you study at TAFE NSW, you're never alone. We have a range of free support services like counselling, study support and more.
If you have a disability, our Disability Teacher Consultants can chat with you about getting the support you need to make the most of your studies. Whether you're already enrolled or just thinking about it, this service is free and confidential.
Learn more about our Student Support Services and Disability Support Services.
Offering Apprenticeships and Traineeships can help attract new, committed employees and offers a structured approach to upskilling your existing employees.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships are win-win, providing your employees with valuable career opportunities and formal qualifications, while helping your business remain competitive with a skilled and dedicated workforce.
The Australian Government provides both financial and non-financial support to employers of Apprentices and Trainees.
Find out about Financial Programs and Employer Incentives.
If you have questions about incentive payments, please contact your Apprenticeship Connect Australia Provider (ACAP).
Employer e-Services is a free, time saving service provided by TAFE NSW. When your registered Apprentice or Trainee enrols with TAFE NSW, you'll have access to important news and information through Employer e-Services including:
Learn more about Employer e-Services. If you don't already have access to Employer eServices, complete the account creation form.
Updating or amending an Apprentice or Trainee's Training Contract is referred to as a 'variation'. Variations to a Training Contract can include:
Read more about varying a Training Contract and how to apply.
Forgotten your Employer e-Services login details or need help creating an account?
Call 131 601, select the option for login enquiries and follow the prompts.
Send us an online enquiry.
Have a general enquiry about Apprenticeships or Traineeships?
Call 131 601, select the option for Apprentices and Trainees and follow the prompts.
Send us an online enquiry.