Several campuses will be closed for classes from 5pm, Wednesday 5 March. View important updates regarding impacted locations and evacuation centres.

    National code: CUA30920

    Certificate III in Music (Business) at Any location via Virtual Classroom

    Class details

    Schedule Pace and number of hours.

    Full Time

    Delivery Method of course delivery.

    Virtual classroom off campus


    Course duration Total time required to complete a course.

    6 months

    Start date First day of attendance online or on campus.

    17th Jul 2023

    End date Final day of attendance online or on campus.

    28th Nov 2023

    Time Commitment

    Class time Dedicated hours required each week in either online or on campus classes.

    16 hours

    Additional study time The minimum recommended hours you will need to commit to your studies outside of class hours. This may include private study, work placements and research.

    8 hours

    Fee details

    Course fees are released each semester.

    We'll confirm your fee before enrolment.

    Proposed timetableWhat time classes run

    This course is currently scheduled on Monday and Tuesday with day classes. This timetable may change and will be confirmed by your teacher.

    Additional informationOther things to know


    Assessments give you the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learnt and to identify the knowledge or skills that may need further development.

    • Knowledge assessments: short answer, extended response, research tasks, multiple choice questions, assignments, closed book exams

    • Skills assessments: projects, case studies

    • Practical skills assessments: demonstrations under observation

    • Simulated workplace projects: scenario-based problem solving

    Work placement

    Work placement provides you with opportunities to respond to situations and circumstances that cannot be replicated in a learning or simulated environment. Work placement strengthens your training and supports continued learning and assessment in the workplace.

    • There is no work placement for this qualification.

    Materials needed

    To complete this course, the following materials are required:

    • There are no materials needed for this qualification.

    Additional entry requirements

    To make sure this delivery option is the right fit for you, we will need you to demonstrate that you can meet the additional requirements below.

    • There are no additional requirements for this qualification.

    UnitsUnits taught in this course

    Courses are made up of a combination of both core and specialty units. In the Certificate III in Music (Business) qualification, you’ll need to successfully complete 11 Units of competency, including 3 core and 8 speciality units.

    Core units are central to the job outcomes of a particular industry or occupation. These are the units industry has agreed are essential to be capable and qualified at a particular study level.

    • Work effectively in the music industryCUAIND313

    • Plan a career in the creative arts industryCUAIND314

    • Implement copyright arrangementsCUACMP311

    Course deliveryVirtual classroom, off campus

    Connect with your teachers and other students in a virtual classroom to participate in learning activities via video or web conferencing technology. You will be able to join the class from anywhere with a good internet connection, such as your home or a TAFE campus. If you would like to join from TAFE, please contact your local campus to book a space. Much like a regular class, you will have scheduled times of attendance. Depending on what you are studying, your course may also include some online units.


    TAFE NSW campuses work closely with the community and industry to ensure you have access to the industry standard technologies, equipment and facilities.

    • Computer labs

    • Conference rooms

    • Library

    • Various specialist classrooms

    Student support

    We're here for you. Get help and assistance with nearly every aspect of your study life - from study support and student resources, to counselling, guidance, and help finding jobs or accommodation.

    • Mon9 AM - 5 PM
    • Tue9 AM - 5 PM
    • Wed9 AM - 5 PM
    • Thu9 AM - 5 PM
    • Fri9 AM - 5 PM
    • SatClosed
    • SunClosed