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TAFE NSW sets regional photographer on path to success


A photographer from Orange is gaining success in the industry after studying at TAFE NSW and using his new skills in his role at a local visual imagery company.

The photography industry is forecast to grow by more than 2,000 jobs over the decade to 2033, and TAFE NSW is delivering a pipeline of creatives to meet this demand through its Certificate IV in Photography and Digital Imaging.

After initially starting a university degree, Toby Howell enrolled in that course at TAFE NSW Orange to set him up for a career that tapped into his love of creativity.

“I was always interested in photography and videography, but for a time I lost my passion and was more focussed on my sporting pursuits,” Mr Howell said.

“When I finished school, I felt lost and enrolled in a university film degree because I wasn’t sure what else to do. Soon after, I got a traineeship at The Studio Door Creative, a film company in Orange where I still work. It reinvigorated my love for being creative.

“When I started studying at TAFE NSW while working, I quickly realised there was lots more to learn, but the course helped me connect the dots. Completing the Certificate IV in Photography and Digital Imaging was an incredibly valuable experience, and it boosted my practical skills to help me succeed in a job I love doing.”

Mr Howell’s entry into the industry comes at a time when photographer roles in the Central West have increased by 40% over the past five years, according to Jobs and Skills Australia. He said his role exposes him to a variety of photographic genres.

“Thanks to the skills I’ve gained, I now work on everything from weddings, real estate, television advertisements, music videos, and other styles of photography and videography,” he said.

“My course has given me a wide range of practical and theoretical skills, but the coolest part was it didn’t just cover photography, but also business-related skills like dealing with clients and quoting for jobs – knowledge you need in your toolkit as a professional photographer.

“It’s refreshing to work as a creative in a regional community, and through the flexibility of my TAFE NSW course and traineeship I’ve built industry connections locally and not had to move away from Orange to follow my passion and build my career.”

Design and Photo Media Teacher Alina Vermeer said studying photography at TAFE NSW opens doors into new career avenues.

“TAFE NSW’s Certificate IV in Photography and Digital Imaging is designed as a practical, hands-on course that builds the skills of our students, grows their connections with industry, and prepares them for the workforce,” she said.

“Toby’s journey into the photography industry through TAFE NSW highlights the important role courses like ours play in supporting regionally-based students to follow their passion and build the skills they need to get the job they want.”


Media contact: Rob Virtue, Communications Specialist,