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New collaboration between TAFE NSW and ANFD to benefit Agriculture students

New collaboration between TAFE NSW and ANFD to benefit Agriculture students

A collaboration between TAFE NSW Orange and the Australian National Field Days Committee will see Agriculture students in the region gain practical, on-farm experience using the quality facilities at the Borenore site.

Agriculture is the second largest employment industry in the Central West, employing almost 14,000 people across the region, with the industry expected to grow a further 5% over the next three years.

TAFE NSW Head Teacher of Agribusiness, Kerri Capill, said the facilities are perfect for Certificate II and III Agriculture students.

“The facilities available at Borenore offer a variety of opportunities for our students to gain practical skills in fencing, sheep handling, shearing, drenching, and marking,” Ms Capill said.

“We can also bring our Wool Classing students out here when they need to complete their practical assessments.

“We will be flexible in our teaching schedule to try and line up classes with what is happening seasonally on the property, so that the ANFD team benefit from the work our students produce as well.”

Manager of the Australian National Field Days Committee, Jayne West, said it’s been 20 years since TAFE NSW students have worked on the property.

“We are really excited to be working with TAFE NSW again and sharing our facilities with the farmers of the future,” Ms West said.

“Not only is it a great opportunity for the students, but it’s extra sets of hands that can help us with what needs to be done the property.

“We have 130 acres to maintain so the students will be able to work on a variety of activities including livestock handling, shearing, cropping, tree felling and fencing.”