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Life-changing literacy at TAFE NSW


This international literacy day, students like Fabiana Tasiriottoi are calling for people who have the desire to improve their reading and writing levels to take the leap and change their lives with TAFE NSW.

According to the latest OECD report, 40–50% of adults in Australia have literacy levels below the international standard required for participation in work, education and society. In fact, a parliamentary inquiry was launched earlier this year to tackle the issue of adult literacy and its importance.

Fabiana is a great example of the pathways that adult literacy can unlock. Between 2016 and 2018, Fabiana successfully completed all levels of literacy courses offered at TAFE NSW and in 2019 completed a Certificate II prevocational course for entry into nursing, aged care or community services. Now she’s completed a Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged Care) and is working in the industry. 

“I came to Australia from Indonesia and decided that I needed to improve my literacy skills in order to seek and find a job in my new country,” Fabiana said.

“I enrolled in a Literacy course at TAFE NSW and have never looked back. It was by far the best decision I have ever made for my life and career.”

TAFE NSW supports the development of adult reading, writing, numeracy and digital literacy skills with a suite of courses including foundational studies, pathways courses and job-seeking support.

TAFE NSW Team Leader of Literacy, Career Pathways, Aboriginal Languages and Employability Skills Gemma Beall said this year’s UNESCO International Literacy Day theme of Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide was more fitting than ever.

“We’re seeing during this latest round of lockdowns just how critical digital literacy skills are in particular in keeping us connected, employed and engaged,” Ms Beall said.

“It’s true that literacy can literally change lives. We’re incredibly proud of our programs addressing literacy across the gamut of student needs, including pathways between literacy sections and vocational trades and the critically important digital literacy skills needed for the modern workplace.”

To learn more about Literacy, Language and Numeracy courses available at TAFE NSW head to or phone 131 601.   

Media contact: Alice Dalley, TAFE NSW Communications Specialist,, mobile 0402 528 210.