Withdrawing from your studies
Terms and Conditions
You must notify TAFE NSW in writing to withdraw from your studies.
If you are withdrawing:
- before the course start date, you will be eligible for a refund of your student fee or concession fee (see note 1).
- after the course start date, you may be eligible for a partial refund of your fee.
When withdrawing from your studies you will be asked to identify if you are discontinuing your studies or transferring to another Registered Training Provider.
Note 1: For courses of 1-week duration or less, you must advise us of your withdrawal at least five (5) business days before the course start date.
Note 2: Written notification of your intent to withdraw/discontinue your studies is required. This is done by submitting a completed Withdrawal Application form , or by a staff member with supporting evidence of your request, except as per note 5 where there is/has been no contact.
Note 3: Withdrawal effective date is when you provide formal notification to TAFE NSW of your intention to withdraw, as per note 2.
Note 4: A Fee Notification will be provided to you for any fees that remain outstanding at the time of your withdrawal. Where payment is not made by the due date, TAFE NSW may take action to refer the amount to an agency for collection.
Note 5: TAFE NSW will take action to withdraw you from study where:
- You have not demonstrated participation and/or attendance in your study on a regular basis. TAFE NSW will attempt contact to determine your status of continuing enrolment or withdrawal from your studies. TAFE NSW will assist you to re-commence studies, however, if no response is received within the times specified, action will be taken to withdraw/close your enrolment.
- You cannot demonstrate competency in all applicable practical/theory/workplace components of study. TAFE NSW is under no obligation to offer repeat attempts at a Unit of Competency or continue an enrolment where competency is not demonstrated.
Fee Refunds
A refund of your fee is to be given in the following circumstances:
- You enrolled in a course/qualification that has been cancelled by the campus or TAFE NSW.
- You have overpaid the student fee or concession fee.
- You have paid the student fee or concession fee and are then granted a fee exemption – refer to Fee Exemption Application Form.
- You formally advise the campus of your withdrawal, prior to the course start date.
- Where the course duration is 1 week or less, you formally advise the campus of your withdrawal 5 business days before the course start date.
- You formally advise the campus of your withdrawal after the course start date and you have pre-paid your student fee for future-dated fee instalments as per the fee instalment schedule of your enrolled course/qualification.
Note 6: Where your course has been cancelled or you have overpaid your student fee or concession fee, you will not be required to complete or sign the refund application. We will contact you directly regarding credit/debit card and/or bank details to process your refund payment.
Note 7: Refunds will be made to you, the organisation or the third party who originally paid the relevant fee.
Note 8: There are no refunds for incidental fees.
Note 9: Original payment via credit/debit card and refund requested to that same card requires the first six (6) and last four (4) card digits to be obtained at the time the refund is processed. If you are entitled to a refund, a TAFE NSW staff member will contact you to securely obtain information related to your credit/debit card or bank details.
Note 10: TAFE NSW will not ask for your full credit/debit card number at any time.
Withdrawal and refund information in relation to VET Student Loans
The following information applies to eligible VET Student Loan students who are enrolled in a VET Student Loan approved course:
- If you withdraw from a Unit of Study on or before the census day, you will receive a refund of your course fees if you have self-paid, or will not incur a debt if you have taken out a VET Student Loan (including future Units of Study).
- If you withdraw after the census day of a Unit of Study you:
- will receive no refund of the Unit of Study fees if you have self-paid.
- will be liable for the full debt for the Unit of Study if you have taken out a VET Student Loan.
- will only be eligible for a refund or reversal of your VET Student Loan under ‘Special Circumstances’.
- Special Circumstances are listed in the VET Student Loan Information Student booklet . Students must submit a completed Application to re-credit a HELP Balance form as stipulated under the VET Student Loans Act 2016.
- All decisions to re-credit a HELP balance can only be made in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
- Requests for re-crediting a HELP balance should be made within 12 months of the census day of the Unit of Study/part of a course (unless TAFE NSW is satisfied the application could not be made within the timeframe because of special circumstances).
- You cannot apply for a re-credit if you have successfully completed your course. If you have not completed your course, you can apply for a re-credit for Units of Study where the ‘Special Circumstances’ criteria applies. For further information, see TAFE NSW VET Student Loans or Study Assist .