About - Policies - Selection and Enrolment


Type: Procedure
PD Number: PD20130438

Implementation Document Summary

Implementation Document

Access to NSW Government Subsidised Training – Proof of NSW Employment Application Form – TAFE NSW


This form is required to support the provision of proof of employment within NSW to meet eligibility criteria for accessing government subsidised training in TAFE NSW.

Document type


Associated policy

Access to Government Subsidised Training in TAFE NSW


TAFE NSW enrolled and prospective students who are working within NSW, and need to demonstrate that they meet eligibility criteria.

Document Contact

Student inquiries should be directed to the the student’s college of enrolment.

Institute inquiries regarding the implementation of this policy should be directed to the Manager Operations and Regional Support Support, TAFE NSW Student Services.

Last updated

12 April 2016

Last modified: 2017-11-07 15:43:28

Type: Procedure
PD Number: PD20130438

Implementation Document Summary

Implementation Document

Access to NSW Government Subsidised Training – ATSI/ Non-NSW Resident Application Form – TAFE NSW


This form is required to support the provision of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander eligibility criteria for accessing government subsidised training in TAFE NSW.

Document type


Associated policy

Access to Government Subsidised Training in TAFE NSW


Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students from all states and territories shall have access to government subsidised training places in TAFE NSW.

Document contact

Student inquiries should be directed to the  student’s college of enrolment.

Institute inquiries regarding the implementation of this policy should be directed to the Manager Operations and Regional Support, TAFE NSW Student Services.

Last updated

12 April 2016

Last modified: 2017-11-07 15:42:00

Type: Policy
PD Number: PD20020075

1.Objectives – Policy Statement


That the TAFE Commission (TAFE NSW) may impose penalties (including pecuniary penalties) for breaches of discipline by students of TAFE NSW.

2. Audience and Applicability


The Student Discipline Policy applies throughout the TAFE Commission.


A student commits a breach of discipline when the student engages in conduct that 
2.2.1 impairs the reasonable freedom of any person (whether or not a student) to pursue his or her studies, research or work in TAFE NSW or on the premises of TAFE NSW or to participate in the activities of, or associated with, TAFE NSW, or 
2.2.2 is prejudicial to the management of TAFE NSW or any part of it.


The Student Discipline Mandatory Procedures – TAFE NSW 
2.3.1 provide examples of breaches of discipline by students and may include other statements clarifying the meaning of breach of discipline. 2.3.2 set out the procedures by which TAFE NSW will deal with alleged breaches of discipline by students.



As noted in point 1.1, section 7 (1) (f) of the of the Technical and Further Education Commission Act 1990 says that TAFE NSW may impose penalties (including pecuniary penalties) for breaches of discipline by students of TAFE NSW establishments.


This policy exists in the context of other relevant legislation including:

3.3 Document History and Details

Policy title – Student Discipline Policy – TAFE NSW Implementation date – 01/09/2000 Web publication date – 30/03/2015 Reference Number – PD/2002/0075/V03 Approval date – 11/02/2008 Approving officer – A/General Manager TAFE Operations Superseded documents – This policy replaces Student Discipline Policy V1. Document history Main changes since previous version

  • Policy updated into 2008 Policy format
  • Mandatory Procedures developed

  NSW TAFE Commission reference numbers – N/A SCIS Number – N/A Publication data Publicly-available – Yes Storage location – wwwpolicies: central Primary location – TAFE | Student administration | Discipline & behaviour Leading and Managing the School categories – none Subject keywords – student discipline, breach of discipline, designated officer, penalties, exclusion, expulsion, appeals, review committee

4. Responsibilities and Delegations

4.1 TAFE Student Services is responsible for:

4.1.1 Providing support on the application of this policy and mandatory procedures. 
4.1.2  Maintenance of this policy and mandatory procedures.

4.2 TAFE Regions are Responsible for:

4.2.1 the effective administration and implementation of this policy and mandatory procedures.

5. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Requirements

5.1 TAFE Student Services will:

5.1.1 monitor the implementation of this policy and review at least every three years to assess continued relevance and continuous improvement.


6.1 For TAFE NSW Students

Students should contact the nominated Student Discipline Delegate within their Campus/Region of enrolment.

6.2 For TAFE NSW Staff

Region inquiries regarding the implementation of this policy or its associated procedures should be directed to: Manager, Operations & Regional Support, Student Services

Last modified: 2018-02-22 16:37:54

Type: Policy
PD Number: PD20110419

1. Objectives – Policy Statement


TAFE NSW supports learners who are members of the Defence Reservists and adopts special provisions to ensure they are not disadvantaged academically or financially as a consequence of participation in Defence Reserve activities.


The policy aims to provide a framework for special consideration to be granted to learners in Defence Reservists with regard to attendance, enrolment and return to study, availability of study materials and assessment requirements.

2. Audience and Applicability


TAFE NSW learners who are members of the Defence Reserves.


TAFE NSW Region staff who manage and provide support to learners who are members of the Defence Reserves.

3. Context


A learner who is a volunteer member of the Defence Reserve and as such is required to attend one or more compulsory camps of continuous training in a year and occasionally a non-compulsory camp or course, may be granted special consideration with regard to attendance and assessment requirements.

In these circumstances the learner shall provide the Regional General Manager with a statement signed by an authorised officer of the Defence Force Reserve detailing the times when attendance at the camp or training course is to take place. The Regional General Manager will ensure that the relevant Regional Officers are notified of the approved absence which will not disadvantage the learner in terms of any compulsory attendance requirements.


A learner who’s Defence Reserves service commitments impact negatively upon their attendance and assessment performance may apply in writing for special consideration to withdraw from the course without academic penalty (that is, without a grade or fail on their academic record for units being undertaken). Such written request must be submitted before the end of the study period via the TAFE NSW Withdrawal form to the Regional General Manager.


In the event a learner who is a Defence Reservist is forced to withdraw and discontinue from study in order to undertake full-time service, TAFE NSW will refund the learner’s student fee in accordance with existing refund guidelines. A formal notification of withdrawal, via the TAFE NSW Withdrawal form, is to be submitted by the Reservist learner.


The following documents relate to this policy:

  • Smart and Skilled Fees Administration Policy
  • NSW Government Subsidised Training – Fees & Refunds – TAFE NSW
  • Assessment policy and related guidelines

3.5 Document History and Details

Implementation Date – 1 January 2011

Web publication Date – 24/09/2015

Reference Number – PD/2011/0419/V01

Approval Date – 1 January 2011

Approving Officer – General manager, TAFE NSW customer support

Superseded Documents – not applicable

Document History

Main Changes Since Previous Version

Policy Contact

Learner inquiries should be directed to the Regional Administration office at the learner’s college of enrolment.

Institute inquiries regarding the implementation of this policy should be directed to TAFE NSW Student Services.

NSW TAFE Commission Reference Numbers: Not applicable

SCIS Number: Not applicable

Publication Data

Publicly-available – Yes

Storage location – wwwpolicies: central

Primary location – TAFE | Student administration | Selection & enrolment

Leading and Managing the School categories: none

Subject keywords – defence reserves, defence force reservists, defence reservist student, defence reserve student

4. Responsibilities and Delegations


TAFE NSW Regions are responsible for the effective administration and implementation of this policy and mandatory procedures.


TAFE NSW STudent Services is responsible for maintenance of this policy.

5. Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Requirements


TAFE NSW Student Services will monitor and evaluate the implementation of this policy and report as required.


The policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis with representation from TAFE NSW Regions.

6. Contact

Learner inquiries should be directed to the Regional Administration office at the learner’s college of enrolment.

Institute inquiries regarding the implementation of this policy should be directed to TAFE NSW Student Services.

Last modified: 2017-11-07 16:07:06