Complaints - landing


Customer Complaints - Factsheet

At TAFE NSW, we recognise that complaints made about our services, systems, facilities or service delivery play an important role in improving customer experience.

If you have an issue, we recommend that as soon as the situation arises that you talk to one of our teaching or other staff at your study location or who you already have contact with. Most concerns can be resolved quickly and informally by talking to a staff member who knows your situation.

You can arrange an appropriate time to meet with your teacher by sending them an email requesting a time to meet or phoning 131 601 and asking for an appointment.

You may bring a friend or relative to support you. If you need an interpreter, we can arrange one, please just ask beforehand.

If you are unable to resolve the issue with staff at the frontline, you can call us on 131 601 to discuss your options or submit an online complaint form. You can also make a complaint to any TAFE NSW employee or ask them to assist you to record your online complaint.

Make a complaint

Complaints to TAFE NSW are managed in accordance with TAFE NSW's Customer Complaint Policy.

There is no charge to make a complaint or for an internal review.

Assessment appeals

The complaints process does not deal with assessment appeals. If you are concerned about an assessment result or the outcome of your request for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), refer to TAFE NSW Rights and Responsibilities.

Smart and skilled complaints

If you are enrolled in a Smart and Skilled qualification, please contact us first to resolve any issues. If your issue cannot be resolved by TAFE NSW, you can contact the Smart and Skilled Customer Support Centre to seek assistance, ask for advice or make a complaint.

You can do this by email, over the phone on 13 28 11, or in person at a Training Services NSW Centre.

Higher Education Complaints and Grievances

If you are enrolled in a TAFE NSW Higher Education course (degree) and have a complaint or grievance, we recommend you talk to your teacher or Course Coordinator in the first instance. They should be able to quickly resolve your issue. If you are unable to resolve your issue in this way, you can submit a complaint via the online complaint form. The TAFE NSW Higher Education Grievance Procedure provides further detail to assist you.


TAFE NSW will treat every complaint with sensitivity, but confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in all situations. If your complaint is about another person they have a right to know about any allegations made against them and be given a chance to respond.

Making an anonymous complaint

You can make a complaint anonymously, however, TAFE NSW will not be able to provide you with feedback. It may be difficult to resolve your concern if you do not provide your contact details and further information is required to investigate the matter.

Other people making a complaint on your behalf

If you want someone else to speak to us about your complaint, we will usually ask for your written authority to do this. We do this to protect your privacy and make sure you know we are giving your details to another person.

After a complaint is made

How your complaint is managed depends on what it is about. Most complaints can be resolved quickly and informally to everybody's satisfaction simply by having a discussion and exploring options to resolve the issue.

If you lodge a complaint via the online form, it will be handled by a staff member, in the area you have concerns about, who is best able to respond to the issues raised.

The person who will respond to your complaint will contact you and provide their details.

They will also investigate your concerns before providing a response. They may contact you for more information depending on how much information you provided in your complaint.

Some complaints are covered under another policy or by special legislation, such as, Work, Health and Safety or anti-discrimination policies. You will be advised if this is the case with your complaint.

TAFE NSW will resolve your complaint as soon as possible. Occasionally, more serious or complex complaints require in depth investigation. These can take longer to resolve. If this happens, you will be contacted and updated on the progress of your complaint at regular intervals until the matter is resolved.

If you have not heard from the person handling the complaint within a reasonable time, you should contact them to ask what is happening.

Once the staff member has made a decision based on the available evidence, they will contact you and confirm the outcome of your complaint in writing.

After an outcome is given

If you are not happy with the result you are entitled to an internal review of the outcome of your complaint.

To make sure that your review request is actioned promptly, please reply to the original complaint handler.

Should you still be unhappy following the internal review, you can have your complaint reviewed by an external third party, such as the NSW Ombudsman or the Australian Skills Quality Authority. TAFE NSW can assist you to make contact with these agencies.

Making a Report of Serious Wrongdoing

Serious wrongdoing includes fraud, corrupt conduct, serious maladministration, or a serious and substantial waste of public money.

You can make a report anonymously but please note that by choosing to remain anonymous, TAFE NSW's ability to make enquiries into your report may be limited.

You may make a report of serious wrongdoing via the following channels:

Consumer protection

The TAFE NSW consumer protection officer can provide information and advice on your rights. You can contact the TAFE NSW Consumer Protection Officer by email.

External bodies that may be able to assist include:

Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW
Australian Skills Quality Authority
Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC)