Women in Business

    Looking to establish a micro or small business, or already operating one? The fully subsidised* online Women in Business program gives you the skills and knowledge you need. A NSW Government and TAFE NSW initiative, the Women in Business program allows you to hear from successful female entrepreneurs and access assistance in setting up and growing your business. * Eligibility criteria apply.


    Online webinars are held each month, where industry experts share their knowledge and skills. Webinars cover a range of relevant areas such as finance, marketing, operations, and more to help make your small business a success.

    Lisa LaMaitre; Pricing you service based business

    Pricing your Service-Based Business

    Join us on Wednesday 9 April 2025, 12-1pm for a Women in Business webinar, presented by Lisa LaMaitre, a multi-award winning entrepreneur and a Board Director with the Australian Risk Policy Institute (ARPI).

    Julia Woods; Doing Business as an Introvert

    Doing Business as an Introvert

    Join us on Wednesday 14 May 2025, 12-1pm for a Women in Business webinar presented by Julia Woods, and discover how businesses can adapt and thrive in constantly changing and challenging environments.

    Benefits of the program

    Women in Business offers tailored learning on the latest trends in business. Participants choose the topics they want to develop skills in, building their own program to suit their needs. Topics include learning modules across Business, Communications, Finance, Marketing, and Wellbeing.

    Program members get flexible 24/7 online access to:

    • Monthly webinars
    • Podcasts
    • Case studies
    • Private Facebook group
    • Earn digital badges to showcase your new skills on LinkedIn.
    Skilled barista effortlessly preparing a coffee on the espresso machine

    Eligibility criteria

    To be eligible to register in the Women in Business program, you must:

    • Be aged 18 years or over
    • Identify as female
    • Be establishing or own a business
    • If you are a business owner, your business must be;
      • registered or trading in NSW;
      • with 0-199 employees
    • Living or working in NSW
    • Be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen.

    Frequently asked questions