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    Course code: 800-001198

    TAFE Statement in NSW Liquor Licensee Course (Advanced)

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    OverviewAbout this course

    Take the next step in your hospitality or liquor business by gaining the mandatory qualifications to manage and operate a high risk business as a licensee. Understand complicated legislation and compliance to support your business from the bottom up.

    OutcomesWhat you'll gain

    Learning outcomes

    During this course you'll learn to:

    • Interpret and enact complicated laws for high risk environments

    • Understand liquor laws and legislation

    • Initiate compliance

    • Minimise alcohol related harms

    • Manage and reduce risks

    Course outcomes

    You'll leave this course with:

    • Managing strategies to minimise risk

    • Understanding regulation and legislation around liquor businesses

    • Advanced Licensee endorsement on your competency card

    • Skills to lead a culture of compliance

    • The confidence and ability to run your own business

    SuitabilityIs this course right for you?

    Professional Development

    Learn a new skill and improve your career prospects

    Industry Requirements

    Gain the skills required for licensing and certification purposes

    Entry requirements

    Some courses require evidence of previous experience or study before you can enrol

    • Completion of the TAFE Statement in NSW Liquor Licensee Course as evidenced by a copy of your transcript or certificate

    • A current NSW Liquor Licensee competency card endorsement

    • A current Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) competency card endorsement

    • Note Before you completed your licensee training your existing RSA will have automatically been renewed, and you will have had to complete the refresher for your RCG.

    Entry recommendations

    To be prepared for this course, we recommend you have:

    • Industry experience in a licensee or supervisory role in hospitality or the liquor industry

    • The ability to positively influence others

    • Strong teamwork and workplace communication

    • A lifestyle that can accommodate working weekends and late nights

    • Reached at least 17 years of age so you are able to work in the industry serving alcohol at the completion of your course after you turn 18

    TAFE NSW is committed to meeting the learning needs of every community. Meeting these needs can mean there are additional entry requirements at different campus locations. Check your preferred location for further requirements. If you need help preparing for study, contact us to find out how we can support you.

    PathwaysWhere can this course take you?

    Career pathways

    Our graduates go onto roles like: licensee, approved manager and club secretary.


    TAFE NSW is approved by Liquor and Gaming NSW to deliver RSA, RCG, ARCG and Licensee/Advanced Licensee courses. The TAFE NSW Liquor Licensee Advanced course is a mandatory requirement for licensees, approved managers and club secretaries overseeing a business operating past midnight, a high risk venue or businesses located in certain precincts. A Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) is the foundational competency required in order to sell, serve or supply liquor. Depending on your duties you may also need Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG). It's important to note that while you can undertake these units to become job-ready, you will not be able to serve or sell alcohol until you are 18 years old. ##Recognition of NSW RSA and RCG competency in other jurisdictions:## Legislative requirements differ across borders. Check with the relevant state or territory authority to see if your NSW RSA and RCG competency is recognised.

    The TAFE Statement in NSW Liquor Licensee Course (Advanced) does not have any courses.

    Your experience counts

    At TAFE NSW, we recognise your previous work experience and study history. You may be able to use recognition of prior learning when applying for a course in the future. If you're successful, you'll get your qualification faster.

    UnitsUnits taught in this course

    Courses can be made up of a combination of core and specialty units.

    Core units consist of the knowledge you'll need to build key skills for success in your field, industry or hobby.

    • L&G NSW Mandatory Licensee Training (Advanced)NN800001198A

    • Group DiscussionNN800001198B

    TAFE NSW ServicesFacilities and support

    TAFE NSW provides support services across all campus locations and online. Whatever your needs or circumstances, we have the people, resources, counselling and facilities to support you in focusing on your studies.

    • TAFE NSW Disability Support Service

    • TAFE NSW Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) support

    • TAFE NSW Aboriginal Support; Learner support (ABE)

    • TAFE NSW Careers, Counselling and Pathways Service

    • TAFE NSW Libraries

    • Scholarship programs – be supported as you explore your talents and fulfil your potential

    • Read&Write literacy and study support software is available free for all TAFE NSW students to use while studying on campus and at home

    • LinkedIn Learning – an online resource which offers innovative courses and tutorials to improve your personal and professional skills

    • Student associations – get social with our student community

    Study OptionsFind a location to enrol