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    Farming and Primary Production

    3 courses

    Wool courses

    Shearing is a classic part of Australian culture. It's been depicted in artworks, films and music. Shearers, handlers, pressers and classers are essen...

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    • Certificate IIWool Handling


      Make your mark in the wool industry with an entry-level qualification to get you working in a shearing shed or a wool-classing program. Start your career as a roustabout or shearing shedhand as you learn to pen sheep and handle wool.

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    • Certificate IIShearing


      If you have little to no experience in shearing, then this intensive two-week course is the perfect step into the industry. Practise in a real farm environment with live sheep as you learn safe shearing techniques, the importance of animal welfare, and how to maintain your equipment.

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    • Certificate IVWool Classing


      Develop the skills to become a professional wool classer registered with the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). Build your career in wool handling and wool clip preparation and be part of a prestigious and profitable industry.

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    Wool course information

    There are so many ways to study at TAFE NSW. You can choose an option that suits your learning style and lifestyle.

    • Face-to-face courses at TAFE NSW are immersive and interactive, and you can choose between fu...
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    Who is a wool course good for?

    You're a hard worker who likes animals. Penning sheep is a workout, and so is shearing and pressing wool into bales. Luckily you're pretty fit and don't mind a bit of hard labour. You like working as a part of ...

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    Wool career paths

    Investing your time and energy into a wool course provides you with several great career options to choose from:

    • Novice shearers are entry-level workers in the industry. Novice shearers have a grasp of the bas...
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    Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    How do I enrol?

    At TAFE NSW you can apply or enrol to do a course.

    If your course has no entry requirements, you can enrol directly. If there are entry requirements, you will need to apply to be accepted for a position in the course.

    1. Go to the TAFE NSW website to view the course you are interested in
    2. Check if there are any entry requirements, as you may be asked to supply additional information
    3. Select a course location to progress your enrolment
    4. Follow the prompts to complete
    5. You will receive an email confirming your enrolment or application status

    If you need further assistance with your enrolment, contact TAFE NSW Student Services on 131 601 between 8.30am-5pm Monday to Friday.

    How do I know if I’m eligible to apply for a course?

    I am an international student. Can I enrol?

    Why should I study wool?

    Why choose TAFE NSW