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    Back to Community and Youth Services

    National code: CHC52021

    Diploma of Community Services (Responding to Family Violence)

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    OverviewAbout this course

    Hone your communication and mediation skills as you learn to respond to instances of domestic violence. Understand various safety concerns, learn how to provide valuable support and empower clients to effect positive change.

    Is Community Services right for you?

    Community Services workers empower and support disadvantaged and vulnerable people to achieve their goals. They provide housing, mental health, disability, multicultural, financial, youth, domestic and family violence support. Your experience and career goals will help determine what pathway is best for you. Watch our video to learn more.

    OutcomesWhat you'll gain

    Learning outcomes

    Through a mixture of theory and practical course work, learn to:

    • Provide support to people experiencing family violence and understanding their needs and goals

    • Build caring relationships with people accessing services and work within service networks

    • Work within a case management framework

    • Contribute to the review and evaluation of organisational policies and procedures

    • Undertake service planning and program or project implementation and handle records and documentation

    • Engage in person-centred interventions and make referrals to other appropriate services

    Course outcomes

    Gain practical experience and develop specialist skills that give you an advantage in the job market.

    • A nationally accredited qualification at diploma level

    • 200 hours of work placement with a suitable employer

    • The ability to respond in instances of domestic violence and empower individuals to make a positive change

    • Skills to professionally engage in interventions

    • A strong pathway to continue your study and enhance your career opportunities

    SuitabilityIs this course right for you?

    Entry requirements

    This course requires evidence of previous experience or study before you can enrol

    • Depending on where you choose to study, there may be additional campus-specific entry requirements for this qualification. Check your specific location for details.

    • Please complete our survey to find out if the Diploma of Community Services (Responding to Family Violence) course is suitable for you

    Completion requirements

    During your study you’ll need to provide your teacher with the following evidence:

    • A Working with Children Check (WWCC)

    • A National Police Check

    • Vaccination and health screenings

    • Any additional evidence your work placement provider requires, such as a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

    Entry recommendations

    To be prepared for this course, we recommend that you have:

    • Proficient computer skills

    • The ability to work independently and as part of a team

    • The ability to be understanding and supportive to people experiencing hardship

    • An interest in working with people from diverse backgrounds

    • A desire to boost your leadership skills

    Important information:

    • This qualification contains content, concepts and scenarios that may be distressing. Please consider your personal resilience and any potential emotional triggers when participating in this qualification and in any future employment in this field.

    TAFE NSW is committed to meeting the learning needs of every community. Meeting these needs can mean there are additional entry requirements at different campus locations. Check your preferred location for further requirements. If you need help preparing for study, contact us to find out how we can support you.

    PathwaysFuture career and study options

    Career pathways

    Our graduates go onto roles like: case worker/manager, community services worker, domestic and family violence worker, youth worker, family support worker, family services coordinator and program coordinator.

    Study pathways

    Take your study further with other courses offered at TAFE NSW:

    Previous study2 Courses

    Begin here to gain experience and confidence in this study area.

    Further study1 Course

    Advance your skills to take your career to the next level

    Related study4 Courses

    Strengthen your expertise and gain specialist skills to expand your employability.

    Your experience counts

    At TAFE NSW, we recognise your previous study and work experience. You can apply for recognition of prior learning or a credit transfer with any of our courses. If you're successful you'll get your qualification faster.

    UnitsUnits taught in this course

    Courses are made up of a combination of both core and specialty units. In the Diploma of Community Services (Responding to Family Violence) qualification, you’ll need to successfully complete 20 units of competency, including 12 core and 8 speciality units.

    Please note, not all specialty units are offered at every TAFE NSW location. It is highly recommended that you check with your preferred campus for information about the specialty units offered at that location.

    Core units are central to the job outcomes of a particular industry or occupation. These are the units industry has agreed are essential to be capable and qualified at a particular study level.

    • Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and servicesCHCDEV005

    • Maintain work health and safetyHLTWHS003

    • Work with diverse peopleCHCDIV001

    • Recognise and respond to crisis situationsCHCCCS019

    TAFE NSW servicesFacilities and support

    TAFE NSW provides support services across all campus locations and online. Whatever your needs or circumstances, we have the people, resources, counselling and facilities to support you in focusing on your studies.

    • TAFE NSW Disability Support Service

    • TAFE NSW Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) support

    • TAFE NSW Aboriginal Support; Learner support (ABE)

    • TAFE NSW Careers, Counselling and Pathways Service

    • TAFE NSW Libraries

    • Scholarship programs – be supported as you explore your talents and fulfil your potential

    • Read&Write literacy and study support software is available free for all TAFE NSW students to use while studying on campus and at home

    • LinkedIn Learning – an online resource which offers innovative courses and tutorials to improve your personal and professional skills

    • Student associations – get social with our student community

    Study optionsFind a location to enrol