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    National code: AUR20220

    Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology

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    OverviewAbout this course

    Strengthen your automotive trade qualification and be ready to apply for your AAC02 Refrigerant Handling Licence. Broaden your career opportunities and become an automotive air conditioning specialist.

    OutcomesWhat you'll gain

    Learning outcomes

    Through a mixture of theory and practical course work, learn to:

    • Fit air conditioning to vehicles and machinery

    • Adapt different drive systems to internal combustion engines

    • Carry out diagnostic procedures and test and repair electrical circuits

    • Modify existing systems and modernise older systems

    • Work safely and sustainably in an automotive air conditioning environment

    Course outcomes

    Gain practical experience and develop specialist skills that give you an advantage in the job market.

    • Experience in repairing faults in cooling, air conditioning, heating ventilation air conditioning (HVAC) and climate control systems

    • Confidence to modify existing air conditioning systems

    • The ability to trap, store and dispose of old refrigerant gases

    • Eligibility to apply for your AAC02 Refrigerant Handling Licence

    • Strong pathways to continue your studies and enhance your career opportunities

    SuitabilityIs this course right for you?

    Entry requirements

    This course requires evidence of previous experience or study before you can enrol

    • That you are employed as a qualified tradesperson in the automotive industry as evidenced by a letter of support from your employer

    • Successful completion of an appropriate Certificate III Automotive Trade Qualification, as evidenced by a copy of your transcript or certificate. This could include:

    • AUR30320 - Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology

    • AUR30420 - Certificate III in Agricultural Technology

    • AUR30620 - Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

    • AUR31120 - Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology

    • AUR31220 - Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology

    • AUR30612 - Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

    • AUR31116 - Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology

    • If you have access to a supervisor who holds an AAC02 Refrigerant handling licence, you apply for a TL000 training licence from Arctick here

    • If you do not have access to a supervisor who holds an AAC02 Refrigerant handling licence, you can apply for a CL000 training licence from Arctick here

    Completion requirements

    During your study you’ll need to provide your teacher with the following evidence:

    • Before your first day of class you must provide evidence of a current Trainee Refrigeration and Air Conditioning licence (TL000) from the Australian Refrigeration Council. To apply for your licence, you will need:

    • A signed declaration from your work supervisor using the online form

    • Proof of course enrolment from TAFE NSW student services

    Entry recommendations

    To be prepared for this course, we recommend that you have:

    • Great communication skills

    • The ability to work unsupervised

    • A valid driver licence

    • An intermediate level of fitness to manage the physical demands of the role - climbing, lifting and moving items heavier than 15kgs

    • Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) at a Year 10 high school level

    • TAFE NSW may ask you to complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills test. This skills test helps us to understand your individual study needs, to design an individualised plan that supports your study success and ensures your LLN skills match the demands of the course.

    • If you need help preparing for study, contact us about your options.

    TAFE NSW is committed to meeting the learning needs of every community. Meeting these needs can mean there are additional entry requirements at different campus locations. Check your preferred location for further requirements. If you need help preparing for study, contact us to find out how we can support you.

    PathwaysFuture career and study options

    Career pathways

    Our graduates go onto roles like: automotive air conditioning service specialist and auto electrician.


    This is a licensed occupation. When you successfully complete the Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology you can apply for an AACO2 Refrigerant Handling licence with ARCtick. Visit ARCtick for more information.

    Study pathways

    Take your study further with other courses offered at TAFE NSW:

    Further study0 Courses

    Advance your skills to take your career to the next level

    The Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology does not have any post-graduate courses.

    Related study0 Courses

    Strengthen your expertise and gain specialist skills to expand your employability.

    The Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology does not have any related courses.

    Your experience counts

    At TAFE NSW, we recognise your previous study and work experience. You can apply for recognition of prior learning or a credit transfer with any of our courses. If you're successful you'll get your qualification faster.

    UnitsUnits taught in this course

    Courses are made up of a combination of both core and specialty units. In the Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology qualification, you’ll need to successfully complete 13 units of competency, including 6 core and 7 speciality units.

    Please note, not all specialty units are offered at every TAFE NSW location. It is highly recommended that you check with your preferred campus for information about the specialty units offered at that location.

    Core units are central to the job outcomes of a particular industry or occupation. These are the units industry has agreed are essential to be capable and qualified at a particular study level.

    • Test and repair basic electrical circuitsAURETR112

    • Develop and carry out diagnostic test strategiesAURTTA118

    • Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplaceAURASA102

    • Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplaceAURAEA002

    TAFE NSW servicesFacilities and support

    TAFE NSW provides support services across all campus locations and online. Whatever your needs or circumstances, we have the people, resources, counselling and facilities to support you in focusing on your studies.

    • TAFE NSW Disability Support Service

    • TAFE NSW Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) support

    • TAFE NSW Aboriginal Support; Learner support (ABE)

    • TAFE NSW Careers, Counselling and Pathways Service

    • TAFE NSW Libraries

    • Scholarship programs – be supported as you explore your talents and fulfil your potential

    • Read&Write literacy and study support software is available free for all TAFE NSW students to use while studying on campus and at home

    • LinkedIn Learning – an online resource which offers innovative courses and tutorials to improve your personal and professional skills

    • Student associations – get social with our student community

    Study optionsFind a location to enrol