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    TAFE NSW procurement initiatives

    A professional business setting with a group of five colleagues engaged in a stand-up meeting. Two women lead the discussion while holding tablets, and three men actively listen and participate in the conversation.

    At TAFE NSW, we are committed to building a sustainable future through inclusive and ethical procurement practices. We work collaboratively with internal business units and suppliers to deliver innovative, sustainable and cost-effective outcomes for the organisation, its students and the community.

    Our efforts include promoting social, environmental, and ethical procurement, as well as combatting modern slavery.

    We transact electronically with Suppliers using our award-winning SAP Ariba solution that results in faster payment times, real-time visibility of purchase orders and payments and provides access to tendering opportunities.

    Social procurement

    TAFE NSW enacts social procurement by prioritising diverse suppliers, such as Aboriginal-owned businesses and disability enterprises, to drive positive social and economic outcomes.

    Supporting Aboriginal businesses

    TAFE NSW is committed to working with Aboriginal-owned businesses through our Aboriginal Participation Strategy.

    This strategy sets out goals and targets to better support Aboriginal businesses.

    Since the strategy's launch, our spending with Aboriginal businesses has steadily increased.

    This initiative is part of our broader Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

    An Indigenous Aboriginal Australian artist paints Indigenous artwork in a studio.

    Encouraging Aboriginal and SME participation through TAFE Contracts

    Supporting social participation through tenders and contracts helps foster inclusive and diverse communities. It also improves social and economic outcomes.

    Opportunities are provided for:

    • Aboriginal peoples.
    • Small and medium enterprises.
    • Local community participation.

    We actively encourage Aboriginal-owned businesses and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) to participate in our tenders and contracts.

    Monitoring and reporting

    To ensure transparency and track progress, TAFE NSW reports on social participation through Contracted suppliers are required to submit regular reports to show the progress of their social procurement initiatives.

    Below are useful resources and guides for suppliers to include in tenders and assist with ongoing contract reporting.

    Resources for suppliers

    Aboriginal Participation Plan:

    Supporting disability enterprises

    TAFE NSW provides opportunities for Australian Disability Enterprises (ADEs) to become suppliers through our procurement processes.

    This initiative aligns with the TAFE NSW Diversity Inclusion and Belonging Plan (DIBP) which seeks to:

    1. Ensure people with disability are fairly treated in all aspects of our business operations.
    2. Remove barriers and promote equal access to facilities, products, services, information and employment opportunities.
    3. Implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles into all areas of the business.

    Read more on our TAFE NSW Diversity Inclusion and Belonging Plan (DIBP) below.

    A diverse group of young adults, including one in a wheelchair, laughing closely together while holding hands outdoors.

    Supporting trainees and apprentices

    Supporting trainees and apprenticeships is a core strategic purpose of TAFE NSW.

    We work with suppliers who share this commitment, and we aim to increase opportunities for apprentices and trainees through our contracts.

    We have established targets for engaging apprentices and trainees, particularly in construction projects over $10 million under the Skills, Training and Diversity in Construction Plan.

    Visit our Becoming a Supplier page to learn more.

    Small-medium enterprises and regional suppliers

    TAFE NSW supports local and regional suppliers, with a focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) or businesses, in regional NSW. We aim to make a difference to these suppliers, especially those in regional and remote communities across NSW.

    We use TAFE NSW corporate cards for immediate purchase of low-value goods and services.

    Our approach also includes:

    The NSW Small Business Commission is dedicated to supporting the State's small businesses by improving the economic and regulatory environment.

    Supporting the environment

    Reducing environmental impacts

    TAFE NSW aims to support the environment by following the NSW Circular Economy Policy.

    We value:

    • resources
    • waste reduction
    • maximised resource use.

    Our environmental procurement practices align with the NSW Net Zero Plan, to achieve net zero targets by 2030.

    A man wearing a red cap and gloves working in a field of green plants, focusing intently on his task.

    Ethical procurement

    Eradicating modern slavery

    At TAFE NSW we understand modern slavery is a serious human rights issue affecting millions of vulnerable people around the world.

    We are committed to upholding human rights within our supply chains that are ethical and sustainable.

    For more information on how we plan to eradicate modern slavery in our buying operations, please view the TAFE NSW Modern Slavery Statement.

    Statement of business ethics

    TAFE NSW commits to transparent and equitable processes.

    We operate our business:

    Explore our supplier resources

    A man in a high-visibility jacket stands at the entrance to a brightly lit warehouse.

    TAFE NSW supplier hub

    At TAFE NSW, our procurement team collaborates with the relevant internal departments and external suppliers to deliver innovative, sustainable and cost-effective outcomes. Learn more in our supplier hub.

    A group of three people engaged in a meeting, discussing information displayed on a laptop. They are seated at a wooden table surrounded by plants, with one person holding a pencil while looking at the screen.

    Becoming a TAFE NSW Supplier

    Our procurement team works with external suppliers and across all of TAFE NSW. Together, we aim to deliver innovative, sustainable and cost-effective outcomes for the organisation, students and the community.

    Seated woman on phone, reviewing A3 documents in a bright, large engineering office.

    Supplying to TAFE NSW

    TAFE NSW uses SAP Ariba for procurement management. Suppliers can register, participate in tenders, and access invoicing and payment support. Learn more about becoming a supplier.