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    Privacy at TAFE NSW

    TAFE NSW, a top provider of technical education and training in Australia, values the privacy of everyone it engages with, whether they are staff, students, suppliers, or members of the public. The organisation is dedicated to adhering to all relevant privacy regulations as part of its commitment.

    Privacy laws

    TAFE NSW is primarily governed by NSW privacy legislation, being the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and Health Records and Information Protection Act 2002 (NSW).

    Any references to the term ‘personal information’ refers to both personal and health information, unless specified otherwise.

    Privacy Policy

    TAFE NSW’s Privacy Policy details how TAFE NSW collects, stores, uses and discloses your personal information, including your rights in relation to that personal information. 

    You can access TAFE NSW’s Privacy Policy and it should be read alongside TAFE NSW’s Privacy Management Plan.

    Privacy Management Plan

    TAFE NSW’s Privacy Management Plan has been developed in accordance with section 33 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) and applies to all personal information held by TAFE NSW and its controlled entities (if any).

    The Privacy Management Plan details how TAFE NSW manages such personal information in accordance with its legal obligations, including how you can access and amend your personal information, and how you can make a complaint about privacy matters.

    You can access TAFE NSW's Privacy Management Plan, which serves as a supplementary document to TAFE NSW’s Privacy Policy.

    Accessing and amending your personal information

    If you wish to access or amend your personal information held by TAFE NSW, you should contact TAFE NSW as follows:

    • TAFE NSW students can access their contact details and other information related to their enrolment through My LEARNER PORTAL (which can be accessed via TAFE NSW website or by contacting Student Services on 131 601 or via the Student Services page.
    • TAFE NSW staff can access their personal information through the People@TAFE application (which can be accessed via the staff portal).
    • TAFE NSW counselling clients can access their counselling records held by TAFE NSW by phoning the Counselling Administration Team on 131 601 (and selecting option 5, then option 2). Further information can be found on the Counselling Career Development Services website.
    • Other individuals can access their personal information by contacting the relevant area within TAFE NSW that they normally interact with.

    In some cases, TAFE NSW may require you to verify your identity or provide supporting information to ensure that TAFE NSW is dealing with the right person. More information about how to access and amend your personal information can be found in TAFE NSW’s Privacy Management Plan.

    Privacy complaints

    Although processes are in place to protect personal information TAFE NSW holds, if such information has been lost, or is subject to unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, a data breach may have occurred.

    If you believe that TAFE NSW has breached your privacy, or you have concerns regarding the management of your personal information, you should contact the responsible TAFE NSW business area or unit.

    All complaints will be investigated in accordance with the procedures outlined in TAFE NSW’s Privacy Management Plan.

    Requesting an ‘internal review’

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may request an ‘internal review’ by submitting an internal review application to the TAFE NSW Privacy Officer at You may use the Information and Privacy Commission Internal Review Application Form available at Privacy Forms for Citizens. You must submit an application within six months of the conduct in question, otherwise it may not be accepted.

    An internal review will be conducted by TAFE NSW within 60 days of receiving a valid application, unless an extension is otherwise agreed with the applicant. The TAFE NSW Privacy Officer or delegate will undertake the internal review.

    TAFE NSW will keep the NSW Privacy Commissioner informed of your application, of your name and the details of your complaint and keep the Commissioner informed of its progress, until finalised. Within 14 days of the completion of the internal review, TAFE NSW will notify the applicant in writing of the outcome of the review.

    Requesting an ‘external review’

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your internal review, you can request an ‘external review’ by submitting an application to the Administrative and Equal Opportunity Division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT), at:

    NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT)
    PO Box K1026
    Haymarket NSW 1240
    Phone: 1300 006 22

    The application must be lodged within 28 days of the applicant receiving notice of an internal review finding. Further information about requesting an external review can be found on the Information and Privacy Commission NSW website.   


    Complaint to the NSW Privacy Commissioner

    You may also contact the NSW Privacy Commissioner to complain about a privacy matter at:

    NSW Privacy Commissioner
    Information and Privacy Commission (IPC)
    GPO Box 7011
    Sydney NSW 2001
    Phone: 1800 472 679

    Public notification register

    Under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), TAFE NSW is required to maintain and publish a public notification register for certain eligible data breaches. The register will contain notifications for eligible data breaches where TAFE NSW is unable, or it is not reasonably practicable, to directly notify all affected individuals.

    Any public notification on the public notification register will remain available for at least 12 months after the date of publication.

     Publication date Details of the data breach 

    We’re here to help

    Please contact us:

    Privacy Officer 

    Right to Information Officer

    To learn more about privacy at TAFE NSW, check out our Privacy Policy and disclosure log.