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    TAFE NSW and BAE Systems Australia apprentices | 12 December 2024

    A TAFE NSW instructor in safety glasses and a black TAFE NSW shirt is working alongside a student on the wiring of an aircraft component. They are standing in an aviation workshop with tools, equipment, and parts of an aircraft visible in the background.

    TAFE NSW students gaining hands-on skills to address defence workforce shortages

    TAFE NSW is working with the aviation industry to train the future defence workforce, through a hands-on project with BAE Systems Australia apprentices, with students building a to-scale plane at TAFE NSW Newcastle.

    This project will provide apprentices studying the Certificate IV in Aeroskills the opportunity to gain hands-on skills across a range of avionic system components, and expanding their understanding of aircraft maintenance. As part of the aircraft build, students will be working on the installation of the radio, and the autopilot and electrical system on the Zenith 750 STOL aircraft.

    The 2024 National Defence Strategy (NDS) released by the Australian Government earlier this year highlights the need for a skilled, professional and diverse workforce across all sectors of national security activity. The strategy lists ensuring the workforce has the necessary skills available to meet our security challenges as a priority.

    BAE Systems Australia maintains and repairs the RAAF’s fleet of F-35 and Hawk Lead-In Fighter aircraft, and the company will employ more than 350 people directly to support F-35 aircraft in Australia by 2025. Aircraft Maintenance Engineers play a crucial role in ensuring safety and efficiency of aviation infrastructure, and are listed as under shortage on Jobs and Skills Australia’s Occupation Shortage List.

    TAFE NSW Newcastle Certificate IV in Aeroskills student Lachlan Standing says the opportunity to take the skills he is learning through his course and put them into practice on a real plane has been invaluable.

    “I am really enjoying learning how these systems work, they are so much more complex than you would initially think. So learning theories then testing with hands on training has been very helpful,” he said.

    “BAE Systems Australia is on the cutting edge of this industry, they are leading the way. And with the support of my TAFE NSW teachers I am gaining a really unique experience.”

    BAE Systems Australia Director of Aerospace Andrew Chapman says the growth being seen in the industry provides a robust pipeline of opportunities.

    “With the work we are doing to expand our Williamtown operations, we are cementing the Hunter as an aerospace hub, but we also need skilled workers to achieve this,” he said.

    “We rely on partnerships with training organisations like TAFE NSW to ensure we have a pipeline of workers to sustain the Hawk and F-35 fleets for the RAAF that are vital to safeguarding Australia.”

    TAFE NSW Aviation Head Teacher Michael Crawley says learners are able to apply theoretical concepts within a practical setting for an aircraft build.

    “Students are learning to install electrical systems with real materials and equipment. These are important skills which will enable avionic apprentices to work on planes as sophisticated as the F-35.

    “Several members of our TAFE NSW team have military backgrounds, so they have important knowledge to impart and skills to pass on.”

    Media contact: Lauren McAllister, TAFE NSW Communications Specialist, (02) 7920 5000

    Three people stand in front of a small aircraft under construction in an aviation workshop. They are smiling and wearing safety glasses. The workshop contains tools, equipment, and parts of the aircraft, including its propeller and partially exposed engine.

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