
Blogs (Media Centre)

TAFE NSW gives mature aged students the recipe for success

TAFE NSW gives mature aged students the recipe for success

​​​​​People of all ages and life stages are turning to TAFE NSW to become qualified in their chosen field and cement a rewarding career.

Research shows over 78 per cent of people in Australia with a post-school qualification are employed, compared to 57 per cent of those without a post-school qualification.

However, many people can face barriers to accessing post-school study, including financial and time restraints.

TAFE NSW is supporting people to become industry recognised and improve future career pathways, no matter what stage of life they are at.

Blacktown local, 53-year-old Bashar Jajjo, recently finished his training in Commercial Cookery at TAFE NSW Mount Druitt.


Being one of over 1 million single parent households in Australia, Bashar felt he never had the time or resources to pursue a qualification when his daughter was younger.

“I have worked numerous different jobs in hospitality, to provide for myself and my daughter. I am proud to have put my family first; however, I always wanted a certification so I could feel truly recognised by the industry,” he said.

“TAFE NSW offered me the opportunity to become a qualified chef. The teachers were supportive of my work and home situations, and it has given me the credibility and legitimacy in the hospitality industry that I always wanted.”

Bashar is now pursuing his dream of running his own venue, teaming up with a friend to manage a new café in the Sydney CBD.

TAFE NSW Head Teacher Tourism and Hospitality Allan Clarke says more students are enrolling at TAFE NSW later in life, to help them cement their career.

“We know that many students come to TAFE NSW with the desire to become qualified in their chosen field. A lot of people come to us as mature aged students, who have previously faced barriers to pursuing their professional ambitions,” said Allan.

“TAFE NSW has the industry connections and hands-on teaching that all our students can benefit from, whether they’re looking to upskill in their existing career or at the very start of their career.”

“We are able to provide them with the practical training to excel in their next career move, whatever that may be.”

Media contact: Catherine Johnston, TAFE NSW Communications Specialist,, 0481 007 746