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TAFE NSW photography graduate snapping up success with national recognition

A TAFE NSW photography graduate from Orange is gaining recognition, being commissioned to capture historical cultural moments from a regional perspective for a national institution.

Sam Russell graduated from the TAFE NSW Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging last year and has already been commissioned for photographic work by the National Library of Australia.

“I feel privileged to have caught the attention of the National Library of Australia,” Ms Russell said.

“To be commissioned to shoot important events in regional NSW, most notably the Voice to Parliament Referendum polling day and the community’s passion around the Matilda’s World Cup campaign, has boosted my confidence and reassured me that this is the career for me.”

Less than 8% of small businesses in NSW are operated by people aged under 30 years and Ms Russell is part of that minority, having started her own photography business after graduating.

“I didn’t realise studying for a career in photography was possible until I discovered the TAFE NSW course,” Ms Russell said.

“After leaving university, where I was studying media and communications, the photography course immediately caught my attention, so I decided to enrol and do something more hands-on and aligned to my interests.

“At TAFE NSW, I was exposed to a wide range of photographic genres and practical techniques that I hadn’t considered, such as studio lighting, portraiture, food photography, and documentary style.

“I’m now leveraging that knowledge and experience in my career and business, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to learn how to develop and use each of these skills through my studies.”

Ms Russell is using her new skillset to full effect in her business - snapping weddings, families, headshots, and community events in western NSW.

“Photography is an industry where you’ve got to have a level of faith in yourself and trust the creative process. The support of my TAFE NSW teachers and the industry connections I’ve formed has really helped me to build that,” she said.

“I’ve now got clients who will only come to me because they love me and my work, and they talk to others about me and recommend me. In regional NSW you can really make a name for yourself, which I don’t think you can do as easily in Sydney.”

TAFE NSW Design and Photo Media Teacher Alina Vermeer said the Diploma of Photography and Digital Imaging focused on developing a broad range of skills.

“The course is designed to provide students with the practical skills they need so they can launch into working in the industry with solid experience behind them,” she said.

“To see Sam succeed in starting her own business is testament to her talent and hard work.

“It also highlights that with a TAFE NSW education behind you, you can enjoy a successful career with a national profile while still being based in regional NSW.”

Ms Russell said she hopes to continue growing her career in the Central West and beyond.
“After only two years of TAFE NSW study, I’ve gone from having a passion and a point-and-shoot camera to a professional qualification and my own successful business,” she said.

“This career has given me the opportunity to be creative, earn an income, travel to parts of Australia I wouldn’t otherwise see, and have experiences I wouldn’t ever have had with my university degree.

“I wouldn’t have got the perspective or the opportunity to build the relationships I have with people, or be as free to make my own path, if I hadn’t taken the plunge into this career.”


Media contact: Rob Virtue, Communications Specialist,