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NSW TAFE Byron Bay grads screen best work

TAFE NSW Byron Bay Connected Learning Centre

NSW TAFE Byron Bay grads screen best work

“Aussiewood” is booming in New South Wales with latest statistics showing film and TV production contributes over $820 million to the national economy, a 20% increase from the previous year.  With half of the country’s record-breaking spending occurring in New South Wales, the Northern Rivers is positioned as a hub for Australian and international productions.  

Eight TAFE NSW graduates from the Byron Bay Connected Learning Centre’s Certificate III Screen and Media are ready to take their next steps in their film and TV careers, showcasing their work at a free public screening on 4 July.    

Lisa O'Meara, Chief Executive Officer of Screenworks said this pipeline of qualified students is vital for the industry.  “The Screen and Media education that TAFE NSW provides plays a critical role in building the capacity of the screen industry in this region. Screenworks regularly engages with TAFE graduates who get involved in the programs we provide,” Ms O’Meara said.

For graduating student Carl West (41), a downturn for the music industry during the COVID-19 pandemic led him to reassess his career running a record label. He decided to add screen and media to his skill set.

“This course has been the perfect introduction to film, I had some experience from creating music videos with my record label but now I have the skills to bring my ideas to life,” Mr West said.

“The quality of this course has exceeded my expectations.  The equipment is amazing, and the teachers are all accomplished film makers.  I’m sad to be finishing but excited to use these new skills in my music and hopefully achieve my dreamto move into feature films and documentaries,” Mr West said.

Zye Chartorisky followed his filmmaker father’s footsteps by studying at TAFE NSW and is enrolling in the Certificate IV to build his experience behind camera for his own film company.

“Doing the Certificate III in Screen and Media has helped me refresh and grow my technical skills, I have been able to work on short films and challenge myself.  I’ve got ambitious goals for my career, this experience and learnings from my teachers and the training has helped me challenge myself. My teachers’ connections to the industry have provided crucial guidance,” he said.

Local film industry heavyweights have been invited to see the quality of Carl and Zye’s work alongside a general invitation for the local public, this Thursday 4 July at the Byron Bay July Connected Learning Centre for the first public showcase of all the Certificate III graduating students films.  Students will introduce each of their films prior to screening.

“Public screenings of their film projects provide our students with invaluable experience to put the video skills they have learned at TAFE NSW on the public stage and have them appreciated by an audience. With Byron Bay at the hub of the booming local film industry, this screening at the Byron Bay CLC provides our students with exposure to industry connections who can help them to start their career,” said TAFE NSW Head Teacher of Creative Arts, Rohan Langford.

Mr Langford went on to say, “This screening offers both a great night of entertainment and a fantastic learning experience for students who can gauge the reactions of an audience to the multiple film projects they have been working on as part of our Certificate III in Screen & Media.

“And of course it’s also a great celebration of the hard work they have put in this year.

“This is a perfect time to get into the Australian film and video industries with identified skills shortages in many areas of production. It's testament to our hands-on, industry-led training that so many TAFE NSW graduates take these skills and are now working in the Screen & Media industry," Mr Langford said.

Media contact: Melanie Pope, TAFE NSW Communications Specialist,, 0400 074 007