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TAFE NSW graduate wins top prize at national baking competition

TAFE NSW Hamilton

TAFE NSW graduate wins top prize at national baking competition

A TAFE NSW Hamilton student has won the Apprentice Baker of the Year award at the Baking Association of Australia's 2024 Excellence in Baking National Competition.

Nineteen year old Connor Beisler studied a Certificate III in Baking and is currently an apprentice baker at his family’s business, the Barrington Bakery in Dungog.

A third-generation baker, Connor works alongside his three brothers, who are also bakers, under the guidance of their father, Simon. All four boys studied at TAFE NSW Hamilton and hold several awards amongst themselves.

Connor competed against bakers from across the country, as well as New Zealand, in the competition that took place at the Baking Industry Trade Show in Melbourne on the 19th of June. He had six and a half hours to bake six doughs – sourdough, baguette, multigrain, ciabatta/focaccia, white and rye.

Connor says it was a high pressure contest, but his training had prepared him well.

“I definitely put in many extra hours training at TAFE NSW Hamilton, with my teachers giving me extra time as well to help me prepare, which I really appreciate,” he said.

“Working in this industry requires real dedication, to honing your skills and committing your time to ensure you are creating the highest quality product. Between the skills I’ve learned through TAFE NSW and the skills passed down through the generations in my family, I am excited to see where I can take my trade next.”

TAFE NSW Baking Teacher Dean Tilden says competitions like these help students to reach their full potential.

“We encourage our students to participate in these competitions and mentor them through the process, to ensure they are prepared, do their best work, and have a great time,” he said.

“The training really helps to fine tune their skills and techniques and it gives high achieving students like Connor the chance to explore their range and work under tight time limits. It also gives them a change to network with others in the industry and make important connections.”
“We knew Connor would perform well, his dedication is a real inspiration and he has the natural talent to back it up.”


Media contact: Lauren McAllister, TAFE NSW Communications Specialist,, 02 7920 5000.