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TAFE NSW equips massage therapists with skills to meet growing demand for pain management services

TAFE NSW equips massage therapists with skills to meet growing demand for pain management services

TAFE NSW’s Diploma of Remedial Massage course has been redesigned to address the increasing number of Australians living with chronic pain spurred by an aging population and long COVID-related symptoms.  


As reported by the Australian Government Department of Health's 2021 National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management, one in five Australian adults experience chronic pain. And, according to Arthritis Australia, one of the leading causes of pain is arthritis with 3.6 million Australians currently living with the disease. This figure is projected to rise to 5.4 million by 2030. 


In response, two additional units have been added to the TAFE NSW Diploma of Remedial Massage course: 'Apply Principles of Pain Neuroscience' and 'Research and Apply Evidence to Practice’. Developed in consultation with industry experts, these units will be delivered to remedial massage students at TAFE NSW campuses this term, equipping them with the skills to meet the growing demand for pain management services.  


TAFE NSW Randwick Head Teacher of Health & Recreation Patricia Cooper said students are seeing more clients in their clinic with pain-related conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and post-COVID-associated pain.  


“TAFE NSW is equipping our Diploma of Remedial Massage students with up-to-date skills and knowledge to further help alleviate painful conditions experienced by their clients,” Ms Cooper said. “We are so pleased to add further knowledge and training to their skill set so TAFE NSW can meet the needs of industry and communities. 


“In the last decade, massage therapy has changed focus to long-term pain resolution and functional testing rather than short-term relief. Remedial massage therapists often work alongside other allied health professionals in supporting patients who are experiencing pain or seeking rehabilitation following an injury. Our students have seen firsthand the effectiveness of massage therapy in calming the nervous system and reducing pain.” 


Association of Massage Therapists (AMT) Executive Officer Rebecca Barnett said AMT strongly supports the new training units so remedial massage therapists can provide essential pain management services in clinical settings. 


“AMT actively championed the inclusion of these units,” Ms Barnett said. “Pain, both persistent and acute, is the most common reason that people seek remedial massage. With the growing burden of chronic disease, COVID-19-related musculoskeletal conditions, and an aging population, demand for pain management services will continue to rise.  


“The future care burden from COVID-related musculoskeletal conditions is eye-watering to contemplate. Remedial massage therapists will need the critical skills they will gain from these two units of competence to access, navigate and clinically apply the nearly 4,000 (and rising) research papers relating to COVID-related musculoskeletal disorders. 


“Persistent pain patients struggle to access health providers so having an informed and skilled remedial massage therapist workforce has great potential to ease the demand for allied health services. Massage therapists are uniquely placed within the health care system to invest time in providing the biopsychosocial, person-centred care that persistent pain patients need.”  


Media contact: Mel O’Connell, Communications Specialist, 0409 930 777,